Blog Home » FAQs » How do I use Periodic (Autonomous) Mode on my SUNA?

Blog Home » FAQs » How do I use Periodic (Autonomous) Mode on my SUNA?

The periodic mode setting allows the user to select how often, and how long sample intervals are based on frame-based or time-based operation.

For example, if a user would like to program their SUNA to sample every two hours, they would use a sample interval of two hours.

The user would then select either frame-based or time-based operation

For frame-based operation, the user selects the number of light frames the SUNA will sample for.

For time-based operation the user selects how many seconds of light frames the SUNA will sample for.

When the SUNA is powered, the instrument will begin it’s programmed sampling mode on the hour. Users can use the offset feature to change the start time. For example, an offset value of 300 (5 min) changes the start time by five minutes, for example, from 06:00 p.m. to 06:05 p.m.

Categories: Software & Data Processing, Field Procedures & Deployment
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