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White Papers

Ocean Sciences 2020 Conference Posters

Ocean Sciences 2020 Conference Posters

Missed us at Ocean Sciences 2020? Check out digital copies of our Science Team’s conference posters to learn more about what they are working on: Field Performance of an ISFET Based Profiling pH SensorCharles W. Branham, Vladislav Simontov, Yuichiro Takeshita &...

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Reliably Measuring pH in the Ocean

Reliably Measuring pH in the Ocean

Although it’s barely the size of a breath mint, the Ag/AgCl reference allows the Deep SeapHOx V2 to dive deeper than any other pH sensor. Learn how a solid-state reference electrode allows the SeaFET V2, SeapHOx V2, and Deep SeapHOx V2 retain accuracy across a much...

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Radiometer Calibration Transfer

Radiometer Calibration Transfer

Positive pressure and sticky mats shun light-scattering dust from a room in Philomath, Oregon—the site of a new brand new radiometer calibration facility. As Sea-Bird Scientific’s facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia (formerly Satlantic) shuttered its doors, radiometer...

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Featured Posts

UG2 Workshop 2024

We hope to see you at UG2 '24 We are excited to sponsor the upcoming 2024 Glider Workshop in Ann Arbor, Michigan, from September 10 - 12, 2024.  Overview This workshop will bring together the global underwater glider community to strengthen international collaboration...

Pride 2024

Celebrating and honoring our LGBTQIA+ communities It is in our DNA at Sea-Bird Scientific to embrace community and the beauty in diversity. As during previous Pride Months, we have changed our logo on social media to feature the colors of Pride throughout the month of...

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