Conductivity cells are made of glass, which is breakable. If a cell is cracked, it typically causes a salinity shift or erratic data. However, if the crack occurs at the end of the cell, the sensor will continue to function normally until water penetrates the epoxy...
Field Procedures & Deployment
How do I avoid the effects of the ship’s shadow when logging optical data with the Free-Falling Optical Profiler?
The free-falling profiler is designed to profile away from a small boat or large ship to avoid any potential shadow effects. The instrument is deployed by hand from the leeward side of the vessel and allowed to descend while the vessel drifts downwind. When the...
Can Bio-Optical Sensor Systems operate alone?
The BOSS was specifically designed for bolt-on integration with an Argo profiling float. As such, the design and telemetry interfaces are not set up for stand alone or real-time profiling.
What do you recommend for cleaning barnacles off the exterior of the instrument?
Plug the ends of the conductivity cell to prevent the cleaning solution from getting into the cell. Then soak the entire instrument in white vinegar for a few minutes. After scraping off the barnacles and marine growth, rinse the instrument well with fresh...
Why is Teflon tape used?
Adhesive Teflon tape (actually, UHMW tape — Ultra High Molecular Weight polyethylene) provides insulation to prevent damage due to contact of dissimilar metals. It is typically used by Sea-Bird on the inside of hose clamps used for mounting instruments, where U-bolts...
When I compute sigma-density values, why are they sometimes negative?
For convenience while examining differences in density between two water parcels, Sigma-density values are typically used by oceanographers. Sigma-density values allow the oceanographer to focus on the last 6 to 7 digits in the density value (when assuming 5 decimal...
Can I use a pressure sensor above its rated pressure?
Digiquartz pressure sensors are used in the SBE 9plus, 53, and 54. The SBE 16plus V2, 16plus-IM V2, 19plus V2, and 26plus can be equipped with either a Druck pressure sensor or a Digiquartz pressure sensor. All other instruments that include pressure use a Druck...
What are the recommended practices for splicing cables?
Sea-Bird typically recommends using the Dam/Blok and EverGrip products from PMI Industries. DamBlok makes the electrical splice and EverGrip provides the strain relief on the cable. See an example of how these products can be used.For a quick electrical...
What are the recommended practices for cleaning and lubricating winch cables?
This topic is covered in detail on the UNOLS (University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System) website; see
Is it necessary to put my instrument in water to test it? Will I destroy the conductivity cell if I test it in air?
It is not necessary to put the instrument in water to test it. It will not hurt the conductivity cell to be in air.If there is a pump on the instrument, it should not be run for extended periods in air.Profiling instruments (SBE 9plus, 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, 25,...
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February 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the Sea-Bird Swell – our monthly newsletter that gives you the latest on what’s happening at Sea-Bird Scientific and the broader oceanographic community. Introducing Our New Software: Fathom Earlier this month, we released our new SBS Fathom software! Our...
Moored pH Ocean Monitoring Systems
Our Moored pH Ocean Monitoring Systems Ocean pH plays a critical role in the health of the global ocean due to the short timescales relevant to biological activity. With recent studies highlighting the impacts of acidification on the carbon cycle as well as on coral,...
Introducing the NEW Fathom Software
Sea-Bird Scientific is thrilled to release the newest innovation in software: Fathom. Fathom: Exploring the depths of your data. Sea-Bird Scientific’s Fathom software makes working with your instruments transparent and simple. View instrument status and diagnostics,...
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