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Sea-Bird Scientific

pH Training: Past and Present

pH Training: Past and Present

October 2019 Newsletter On October 31st, Sea-Bird Scientific presented a hands on technical training at the OCEANS ’19 conference in Seattle, WA. If you could not attend, watch a recording of our live webinar, presented on July 18th 2019, outlining how our latest line...

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Q&A: Unusual Test Bath Data – a Cautionary Tale

Q&A: Unusual Test Bath Data – a Cautionary Tale

September 2019 Newsletter These data show a small but rather catastrophic deployment error. Shown above, pH and dissolved oxygen data before the highlighted area did not match bottle samples or nearby validation sensors, but data after the highlighted area accurately...

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How many pH samples can you fit into a year?

How many pH samples can you fit into a year?

How long can you really trust your sensor to sip energy from its batteries? Properly selecting the right sample interval must strike a balance between a high-resolution dataset and a complete time-series. After some quick calculations, we’ve found the optimal sample...

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Explaining the ISFET pH Sensor

Explaining the ISFET pH Sensor

May 2019 Newsletter ISFET-based pH sensors have been used to measure pH in industrial settings for years (do you know the pH of your last beer?). It’s the adaptation of this technology for measuring ocean pH that makes the SeaFET V2 and SeapHOx V2 novel tools for the...

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Inductive Modem SeaFET/SeapHOx V2

Inductive Modem SeaFET/SeapHOx V2

April 2019 Newsletter Sea-Bird Scientific’s line of ISFET pH sensors only communicate via RS-232. However, savvy integrators can utilize the SBE 44 Underwater Inductive Modem as the link between the SeaFET/SeapHOx and an existing inductive modem mooring, providing...

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Q&A: High Residuals in pH Data

Q&A: High Residuals in pH Data

March 2019 Newsletter The data shown above come from a SeapHOx V2 (red) and Deep SeapHOx V2 (blue) deployed next to one another in a dynamic estuarine environment. Regular pH validation samples were collected throughout the time-series. According to the 0.05 pH...

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Q&A: What is Causing This “Feature” in pH?

Q&A: What is Causing This “Feature” in pH?

The data above originate from a SeaFET pH sensor connected to a flow-through system that should provide stable, consistent data. As you can see, the Internal pH value experiences a dramatic drop in pH and a subsequent increase in noise midway through data collection....

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Reliably Measuring pH in the Ocean

Reliably Measuring pH in the Ocean

Although it’s barely the size of a breath mint, the Ag/AgCl reference allows the Deep SeapHOx V2 to dive deeper than any other pH sensor. Learn how a solid-state reference electrode allows the SeaFET V2, SeapHOx V2, and Deep SeapHOx V2 retain accuracy across a much...

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pH Sensor Flowchart

pH Sensor Flowchart

There are plenty of pH sensors on the market, with some recent additions showcasing novel technology and design. Among Sea-Bird Scientific’s holdings, we offer 7 different pH sensor models divided amongst 2 different technologies: ISFET and glass-electrode sensors. To...

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Video: Comparing the SeaFET V1 and SeaFET V2 Interface

Video: Comparing the SeaFET V1 and SeaFET V2 Interface

Back in May 2018, Sea-Bird Scientific upgraded the SeaFET™ pH sensor to the “SeaFET™ V2”, improving upon the performance of the original SeaFET™ while retaining the same underlying ISFET sensor technology. The SeaFET™ V2 improves upon the original SeaFET’s...

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Featured Posts

January 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the Sea-Bird Swell – our monthly newsletter that gives you the latest in what’s happening at Sea-Bird Scientific, and the broader oceanographic community. CTD Appreciation Day Was January 22nd! HANDS OFF AND HIGH-QUALITY DATA: USING THE HYDROCAT-EP V2 CTD...

Oceanology International 2024

We hope to see you at #Oi24 We are excited to return to Oceanology International 2024 again in London, UK from March 12-14. Overview Oceanology International brings together 500+ exhibitors in the only event that links the three key players in the industry:...

Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024

We hope to see you at #OSM24 We are excited to return to Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 in New Orleans, Louisiana from February 18-23 at booth number #527. Overview The Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 is co-sponsored by the American Geophysical Union, the Association for the...