Upgrading to a SeaFET V2 from the original SeaFET is completely internal—aside from the most inaccessible hardware within the instrument, the V2 uses the same housing, sensors, and batteries as the V1. Therefore, the basic maintenance procedures for the V1 and V2 are...
Q&A: What is Causing the Difference between Internal and External pH?
The figure above originates from a single Shallow SeaFET V2 pH sensor, which produces two pH values (Internal pH and External pH) from two separate reference sensors. The black X’s indicate pH validation samples. While environmental conditions affect each the...
Real-Time Moorings: A Look at Regional Forecasting and Physical Oceanography Research
An ocean mooring can help with more than publishing research papers. When sensors can talk to the buoy controller, and the buoy controller can call home, real-time moorings can provide useful data for short-term regional storm forecasting. Such was the case with...
Q&A: Sudden Increase in Salinity
November 2018 Newsletter The figure above originated from an SBE 37-SMP MicroCAT moored CTD deployed in shallow seawater. On day 38, the salinity data appears to jump from a near-zero value, steadily increasing until around day 43, where it stayed around 30psu. Nearby...
Salinity Spikes: Sensor or Environment?
These data show a subtle problem that is producing “fuzzy” salinity and oxygen data. While the overall shape of the profile appears reasonable, small spikes are present throughout the CTD cast. The black lines encompass a particularly strange spot where both salinity...
Q&A: Profiling CTD Data Spikes
October 2018 Newsletter The four figures above come from the same 9plus CTD profile. As you can see, massive spikes punctuate the data stream and wreak havoc on data quality. While post-processing can filter out some spikes, they can also affect the CTD’s in-situ...
HyperNAV Hyperspectral Radiometer
As remote sensing satellites orbit Earth, Sea-Bird Scientific and NASA are developing a tool to drift with ocean currents. The HyperNav, a combination of hyperspectral radiometers and a Navis profiling float, provides in-situ calibration and verification for ocean...
FRM4SOC Project
Scientists from around the world donned white jumpsuits and entered an unusual room. Inside, all furniture and walls were painted black, and very particular lamps emitted light directly into a device harnessed to a dark table. This was Laboratory Comparison Exercise 2...
Radiometer Calibration Transfer
Positive pressure and sticky mats shun light-scattering dust from a room in Philomath, Oregon—the site of a new brand new radiometer calibration facility. As Sea-Bird Scientific’s facility in Halifax, Nova Scotia (formerly Satlantic) shuttered its doors, radiometer...
Featured Posts
Moored pH Ocean Monitoring Systems
Our Moored pH Ocean Monitoring Systems Ocean pH plays a critical role in the health of the global ocean due to the short timescales relevant to biological activity. With recent studies highlighting the impacts of acidification on the carbon cycle as well as on coral,...
Introducing the NEW Fathom Software
Sea-Bird Scientific is thrilled to release the newest innovation in software: Fathom. Fathom: Exploring the depths of your data. Sea-Bird Scientific’s Fathom software makes working with your instruments transparent and simple. View instrument status and diagnostics,...
January 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to the Sea-Bird Swell – our monthly newsletter that gives you the latest in what’s happening at Sea-Bird Scientific, and the broader oceanographic community. CTD Appreciation Day Was January 22nd! HANDS OFF AND HIGH-QUALITY DATA: USING THE HYDROCAT-EP V2 CTD...
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