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Moored CTDs

Analog Sensor Integration Guide

Analog Sensor Integration Guide

From bottom contact triggers to transmissometers, oceanographic sensor options are vast and diverse, and choosing the right combination of sensors can significantly augment a CTD’s measurement capabilities. Although getting disparate technologies to talk to one...

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Q&A: Temperature Mismatch

Q&A: Temperature Mismatch

Although they should match perfectly, the two sensors rarely reported the same temperature value throughout their deployment. Furthermore, the 16plusV2 appeared to stop logging, although the batteries still had life upon recovery. Can you identify the problem?

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Discontinued – WQM and WQMX

Discontinued – WQM and WQMX

July 2020 Newsletter Over the past 12 years, the WQM and WQMX have been integral to accelerating the understanding of natural waters. This instrument family was the first collaboration between WET Labs and Sea-Bird Electronics before our companies became fully...

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Q&A: Moored Data Excursions

Q&A: Moored Data Excursions

February 2020 Newsletter The data above came from a HydroCAT-EP multiparameter probe moored in an estuary near Savannah, Georgia. The highlighted section shows a sudden change in the temperature and salinity data that lasted for approximately 4 days, and continued...

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Q&A: Sudden Increase in Salinity

Q&A: Sudden Increase in Salinity

November 2018 Newsletter The figure above originated from an SBE 37-SMP MicroCAT moored CTD deployed in shallow seawater. On day 38, the salinity data appears to jump from a near-zero value, steadily increasing until around day 43, where it stayed around 30psu. Nearby...

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Ocean Business 2025

We hope to see you at Ocean Business 2025 Overview Ocean Business 2025 is the global meeting place for ocean science and technology professionals. Connect with thousands of the industry’s brightest minds, and share ideas to help define the future of ocean technology....

The Deep SeapHOx™ V2 Moored System

The Deep SeapHOx™ V2: Revolutionizing Moored Ocean Monitoring Welcome to the future of oceanographic research with the Deep SeapHOx™ V2. Designed for long-term deployments in diverse environments, from shallow regions to the deep ocean, this state-of-the-art...